Hi! I’m Sonia Rebecca Menezes 👋

I’m a writer. It’s taken me years to be able to say that. Unfinished Conversations is my passion project, and I absolutely LOVE it.

I’m currently in Goa. It’s a small, sunny state and I live close to the beach. Although I’m a city girl at heart, it’s nice to slow down and enjoy life beyond the hustle.

I write because I’m inspired by the people I meet, and I because can’t stop the conversations in my head.

This is my space to bring them to life and invite others to join in and finish them, or spark new ones.

Let’s Conversate? Shall We Converse?

If you’d like, I can send you my weekly blog posts straight to your inbox – that way you know when new stuff is out!

I’ll make it worth your while ✨

Blog at WordPress.com.